Browsing articles tagged with " Flower Research"

Valentines Roses May Make Her Swoon, but Tulips Can for Less

By Gina B. Kellogg  //  Valentine’s Day  //  1 Comment

Valentines rose… or Valentines roses? Hmmm. Those search terms didn’t get the Google results you were looking for, eh? Try typing in Valentines day rose. Wait—do you need an apostrophe? Shouldn’t it be Valentine’s Day roses to get the best search results? Argh!

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Secrets of Flowers Revealed

By Terry Johnson  //  All About Flowers, Off The Wall  //  4 Comments

It is quite easy and understandable to be caught up in the fast pace and stress of our 21st century culture and miss the importance of how greatly flowers can positively affect our lives in many almost metaphysical ways.

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How to Find a Florist & Save Money Sending Flowers

By Gina B. Kellogg  //  Tips & Advice  //  21 Comments

Flowers make seniors feel better. Science proves it.

Specifically, 81 percent of seniors who participated in a study by Rutgers University (Newark, N.J., U.S.A.) reported a reduction in depression following the receipt of flowers. Forty percent of seniors reported broadening their social contacts beyond their normal social circle of family and close friends. And 72 percent of the seniors who received flowers scored very high on memory tests in comparison with seniors who did not receive flowers.

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Flower Power: Emotional Benefits of Fresh Flowers

By Gina B. Kellogg  //  All About Flowers  //  9 Comments

Want to banish a bad mood? Bring home some blossoms.

Don’t wait until your sweetheart appears with a bouquet of blooms to give your home some floral flair. The health benefits of adorning your abode with flowers are worth splurging on the blossoms for yourself. Science proves it.

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